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Thursday, 16 December 2021


 I came to the realisation today that I’m never going to be free of this Stalking  has ruined my life and will continue to if I allow it to. Right now I don’t know where to go from here.

Everybody every place and everything is ruined by this friend,family,churches. 

Everything I like and love it taken from me because other people cannot cope with the knowledge or fear that I deal with everyday.

I have 2 Stalkers one who is violent and very dangerous the other a woman I met in the Mormon  church  many years ago unlike the 1st one she focuses on her computer skills to hack people to cyber Salcombe and to make malicious emails to other people pretending to be other people my friend and I have had a lot of problems this woman she’s very manipulative and she has a psychiatric Illness which makes her behave the way she does she think she is very important and she thinks that she has got to be centre of attention all the time.

Only recentlillness which makes her behave the way she does she think she is very important and she thinks that she has got to be centre of attention all the time. Only recently did I discover that the first stalker I have who I must’ve met I blamed for a lot that has happened recently what I was not told what contact me to somebody or somewhere was made by email that was not David that was her pretending to be him.

How do I known first that contact was made by email I would’ve immediately known it wasn’t David he doesn’t email he will write to you or he will attend in person but he will never email in the 33 years he has stalked me never once has he contacted me by email. He also has never called me by my name.

I’ve been much more concerned about the female she’s a very manipulative nasty kind of person she has had me imprisoned for a week with false allegations.

 She has stalked a psychologist and made his life and his family‘s life hell. She was arrested and charged and sectioned under the mental health act for all of that.

it is not just I she targets it is a very good friend of mine that has constantly been targeted by this female I did not know she would go as far as trying to contact people I knew they don’t know about her they only knew about the first one and after the reaction I got was that I will never tell them about the second one.

It’s once again old years night and tomorrow will be a New Year I can only hope for myself and for everybody else that 2022 will be a good Year.

Anyone who is suffering from stalking or any other type of abuse please click the link below to see what help you can get.

If anyone needs help please contact

Sunday, 12 December 2021

What’s the difference between Sociopathy and psychopathy

 Sociopathy it’s a mental health condition that is believed to affect approximately one to 4% of adults, and there’s more common in men than women, some doctors say it’s much more prevalent. While the term Sociopathy it’s not used medically to describe a mental health condition - The closest diagnosis is antisocial personality disorder. 

Lack of Empathy 

When a person is unable to understand the feelings of others is probably the most well known behaviours of a sociopath.  The individual may be oblivious to the feelings or concerns of other people which makes it easy for them to manipulate others for their own gain.

When we hurt others they tend to not feel any guilt or shame or remorse  for the actions this is because they can’t place them self in someone else’s shoes or imagine how someone who’s hurting might be suffering. 

Cold Nature 

Due to their limited ability to experience emotion and empathy, people with sociopathy May come across as being cold.  They may demonstrate this by not showing emotions on investment in the lives of others. They will easily take advantage of those around them.


While narcissism is a personality disorder and self it is also a common trait among sociopaths.  It is hard not to notice narcissistic behaviours as the individual will demonstrate strong love and admiration towards Themselves They tend to have a huge sense of entitlement and also they tend to blame others for their own failures.


Upon first meeting a sociopath you might actually find them to be quite charming this is because when the sociopath is unable to understand the emotions of others they are right rather highly adept at mimicking them. 

They are masters of disguise the main tool to keep them from being discovered as a creation of another personality.” Sounds terrifying! 

7 Common  Signs Of  Psychopathy 

 Socially irresponsible behaviour.

Disregarding or violating the rights of others.

Inability to distinguish between right or wrong.

Difficulty with showing remorse or empathy.

Tendency to lie often.

Manipulating and hurting others.

Recurring problems with the law.