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Friday, 15 April 2022


Today I realised how long my stalkers obsession with me has been. I found out today that he met me when I was a younger than I thought. He got himself into the same school with me and followed me around various places I had been and worked 

He was under the impression that I actually noticed him which was not the case. He said that in the science class he looked at me and I smiled and he took that as a signal that I liked him. He said that was the day he knew he loved me. If I’m being perfectly honest I don’t even remember him from there.

I was stunned that he had gone to so much trouble to follow me around a lot longer than I had thought he A simple smile many years ago brought 40 years of total obsessional behaviour from him.  He appears to still be under the impression that if he tries hard enough he Will snare  me that was not something I wanted to hear. He also made some wild claims that I had stabbed him as a child in a classroom totally untrue  I know his  obsession is  dangerous.

In court a forensic psychiatrist said he was suffering from paranoid schizophrenia and delusions of grandeur.

Apparently when he takes his medication his schizophrenia is more or less under control but there is no law that can force someone even someone who is mentally ill to take medication even in the hospital they can’t force them.  I would be asking is that not putting the public in danger from people who are mentally ill and refuse to take the medication.

I had hoped today I would’ve heard he got a substantial custodial sentence unfortunately that was not the case from what I have been told today he got 6 months.

I was also told he intends to appeal.

The case he was in court for a matter similar to what he has done to me.

To be very clear this particular case had nothing to do with me this case it is a different matter.

Under certain circumstances people who have previously been involved in a case of this kind of nature can indeed be informed by witness participation when a stalker or an abuser is released from prison or when they’re back in prison.

I have requested for records to be released for me to read that’s how I found out that he knew me much earlier then I realised it was very disturbing information as I honestly do not recall him from school.

I will link organisations below that  will be able to help Anyone who needs help the last link is to repot harassment I am from Scotland and I’m on the link in Scottish organisations if you need help throughout the UK or other countries please go to the first link on my page as they will be able to provide you with the assistance of the direction that you need.