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Monday 20 November 2023

The truth about my stalking and how I know one day he will kill me

 The year was 1986 when I got home from my work to my surprise David my stalker was waiting for meat my door. He told me he found me on the voters role he told me he was a security guard. I just assumed he must’ve been looking for someone else and found me I had not seen him for years. I was surprised that he had come to see me. After that night he would visit me frequently.

On another occasion in 1987, he threatened my next door neighbour with a knife, then David vandalised my property and my neighbours property buy superglue and spray paint in the flats. In addition, he frequently threatened me with violence. He also endeavoured to commit suicide by slashing his race course in myself and my neighbours, considerable distress.     He posted razorblades through the letterbox of my flat. I’m stuck razor blades onto my door handle which was the same colour as a blade so was not noticeable until the handles grasped.

On the 1st of June 1987, David was charged and taken to court for this action. He was billed until the 28th of August. I had already been granted a civil interdict on the 23rd of July 1987, and I’ve got continued again until the 30th of July 1987. Again on the sixth and the 13th of August 1987, it got continued on the 28th of August 1987. Did David was at court but he played he has played guilty. To damaging my door and super good recipes the door handle and spray painting the flats 

  On the 14th of September 1987, my dad died David kept calling me that night on the night of my dad‘s death. When he phoned, I told him my dad had died. He continued to make phone calls to my house, some of which were very obscene, for instance he said this masturbating in the phone box I had to go to court to obtain another interdict.which-was the court granted to me on the 29th of September 1987,  that never stopped david.

I have no more records for this time until 1991

In February 1991, David persisted in harassing me and I had numerous lawyers letter sent to him to tell him to stop on Friday, the 24th of April 1992 David came to my house. Once again this time my parents are with me my mum, my stepfather Asked him to leave half an hour later, he returned and again my parents told him to leave so he made another attempt to commit suicide outside my house and left razor blades on my door handle. 

I went back to court again on the 1st of May 1992, to obtain another interdict .


On Friday, the 8th of May 1992, David put a note on my door to inform me he was at the top of the multistorey car park covered in petrol. I called the police and they found him and they asked me to go down with them, which I did AT this time police numbers are different than they are today so the police number was 715. He told me that if I spoke him down off the lead he would come down. I spoke with him and I told him to jump and get on with its Pc 715 got on to me.

David then came down off the wage of his own accord. He was arrested and appeared Kirkcaldy sheriff court on Monday, the 11th of May 1992. The sheriff at this point, made an order to continue the previous interdicts against David and forwarded a copy to the police.

On Tuesday, the 2nd of May 1992, David was reminded in custody for breach of the court order. David appear from custody for this on Friday, the 12th of June 1992 David got one year probation at Kirkcaldy sheriff Court.

Tuesday, the 19th of July 1992, when I got home at 8:55 pm. There was a note from David saying he was 

in the water and was going to drown. I was just about to call the police from the phone box when I saw police van at the garage next to the phone box, I gave the policeman, the note he said he would come back to my flat to take a statement. When he came back. I told him I had been out all day and I did not know 

how long it has been on my door. 

Throughout the next few years things that happen and it’s hard to recall everything what I do know is the things started again on Tuesday the 12th of the seventh 1994, David came to my door. I phoned the police he said it again he was going to the water to drain himself, I thought not again, I’ve called the police PC730 on PC459 came to me to go down with them and said David would come out only if I was there 

I went with them, and once again we got there, David came out of the water and was taken to hospital to the police. I was his girlfriend and that’s what he kept saying that we were an item not so! 

Thursday, the 21st of July 1994, I heard David Williamson shouting outside my flat as an intercom to have a slot. I just ignored him within 20 minutes he was in and banging on my door after getting in I got dressed I went out to make sure he left the building  as I got downstairs he punched me in the face, my neighbour witnessed all he phoned the police when the police arrived. PC735 came and said they would look out for him. I also have an interdict against david  nothing came of this after the police went away. My neighbour give a statement the fact I have an interdict meant  nothing.

 On July 22, 1994 I was upset about last night so I went to my lawyer at 9:15 am. He phoned and inspector at Kirkcaldy police station and the Inspector told my lawyer that David had been arrested. 

My lawyer called the procurator fiscal, to find out what has happened to David at court, but we never did find out.

Monday, the 25th of July 1994 after 11 pm. David was at my Intercom saying you are dead. Started to throw stones at the windows and as I did not have a phone, I had to go to use the phone box in the street to   call police. 

While I was outside, David came running up to me he got a hold of me, flung me down on the grass and started kicking me and said the police never got the knife last time, and he will get me this time. He then pulled a knife on me, and stabbed me in the leg although I was hurt and terrified, I got up and ran from my life to the garage across the road, the man who was working there locked me in and phoned the police I was in the garage when  the police got a David there. He was shouting at me you’re dead he was put in a police van and arrested.

When I was speaking to the police, a message came over the radio saying that an hour ago David had been at the police station asking about me. The police officer had been present there as well. It’s after midnight now and more police came to my house to take a statement for me. He also told me that David had been at the police station earlier and he had complained about me phoning him, I said I do not have a phone Police  checked with BT and find out that David’s phone has been cut off a long time ago so I could not have been calling him.

On the 26th of July 1994, I found out today David got charged and was at court in the morning for assault two coats of  breach of the peace resisting arrest among other things.

David was bailed with the condition not to come near me.

I am not happy as I know he will get me and I’m scared of  him at 10:30 pm. My intercom went again. David said you’re dead and started again to throw things at the window when I thought he was away. I went out to the shop David kept running after me again he grabbed me and punched and kicked me he stabbed me in my side and shouted abuse at me before slashing my leg with the knife. People came to help me.

I’m not entirely sure what happened after that as I was in hospital.

I had peace until the 4th of August 1994, David Ford me when I went to the shop when I got home my intercom kept ringing and David kept shouting. You are dead. I phoned the police again but they said unless I had two witnesses they could do nothing, so I put my intercom off. 

He was back throwing stuff at my window after 10 pm. I sat alone, terrified and wishing it would all stop from the 1st of September 1994 I called to please 17 times about David throughout all of this. I still had an interdict that no one pays any attention to the police do not act on.

Here are some of the things he did on the 10th of August 1994, David and some other man he had with him through stuff at my window and again phoned police but they only came up after two hours by they were gone.

 On17th of August 1994, David rang my intercom and told me I was dead and the police said they did not know I had an interdict in place. I said you have to know. 

19th of August 1994 again David was throwing stuff at my window until late at night on the 26th of August 1994, After an hour of no police coming .  I phoned again and was told someone was on the way no one ever came. I went to stay with my parents as I was really scared of  him.

On the 1st of September 1994, I was on Ward 14 of the Victoria Hospital Kirkcaldy fife after having surgery on my Achilles tendon about 7:30 pm and ask him into the room and said David was here to see me before I could call her to say I did not want to see him.  She let him in when the nurse left, David showed me a gun That he had under his top. He told me to do everything that he said, and if I made a wrong move he would shoot everybody in the ward.

 He told me to discharge myself, which I did with difficulty when we were outside, he forced me into a car and made me go to my house when he got to my house, he phoned police to tell them what he had done. They did.not believe him and he did not send any policeman to the house 40 minutes later, two policeman arrived at my door.

David opened the door and pointed a gun at them. They ran down the stairs and no time at all alarms. Response unit was outside the house and the police took over my phone so only they could phone the police and spoke to David on the phone 

And after nine hours I’ve been held he let me go. I have never been so scared in all my life and my mum and dad are not back from Melbourne until tomorrow. Throughout the time he held me in my house with a gun he masturbated with one hand while holding the gun in the other hand, he took off all his clothes and stood at the window they never shot him because I was standing right behind him.

After giving the police my statement I went home what I did not know was the police met my parents at the airport told them what was  going and brought them home I stayed with them that night.

2nd of September 1994, David was at court where he played guilty David solicitor told the court I was to blame, but the sheriff pointed out that it was his client who abducted me and I wanted nothing to do with him. He should keep away from me.

David was sentenced to 9 months in prison, which, under Scottish law he would only serve four monthsFor me. It was a joke for the next four months of my life. I was free from David and I could finally look like a normal person and not look over my shoulder or feel scared anymore 

 I always knew they would not last and one day soon he would come back for me again David did not get out of prison until the 16th of January 1995 so once again I went back to court for another Internet which was granted it was on the 16th of January 1995. The interdict was to prevent David molesting me, or putting me in a state of alarm by causing alarm or distress causing violence towards me, or damaging my property or calling my house or any other occupied by me . Or instructing anyone else to do so within the sheriff area  of Fife and Tayside   also preventing him from instruction other persons to molest threaten or contact me in anyway, and  granting  me a power off arrest.

Thursday, the 21st of January 1995, my mum and stepfather. Had come to  my flat with me when we got to the door there was a syringe and needles sticking out of my letterbox.

 We took it out safely and  phoned the Police an officer came and took it away.  He took a statement from 

January 23 1995, David tried to break my window but his aim was not high enough and he broke my neighbour window. I was 3 floor. She called the police PC Scott got the council to board up her window 24 January 1995 I got granted an interdict with a power of arrest against David. He was at court today and I will get a written copy 

 phoned the police, the police Scott, the council to board up my neighbours window on the 24th of January 1995. I got granted an interdict with a pair of arrest against David at court today I will get a written copy in the morning of the 25th of January 1995 

130 the 25th of January 1995 at 9 o’clock that was outside my house with a crossbow. I thought the police and my neighbour also put the police and once again no one came until 20 to 30 but that time David was away

Thursday, the 31st of January 1995 David was outside my house shouting and kept ringing the intercom he was shouting that he was going to hurt my stepfather. I thought the police said they said they would look into this

On Friday, the 3rd of February 1995, David was at my intercom making threats. I phoned the police and they said they would take note of this.

Thursday, the 23rd of March 1995 I had not much bother from David at all today. Another razor blade with light on it stuck on my door handle. I know that David is HIV positive and carries a hepatitis B virus so I have to be very careful.

Thursday, the 28th of March 1995 David got jail  today for pointing a gun at a policeman at  the hospital in Dundee.

That was David and a mental hospital until the 22nd of April 1997.

My lawyer wrote to David’s lawyer, just to tell him that now David is out. I do not want any contact with him at all. Not you I want to please calls, or any letters, or any mail again it will be sent straight to the police.

I did this, because I had a few letters from him while he was in The State Mental hospital

I did not want matters to get out of hand again, so thought I would  make my position clear and through the lawyers.

 I was once again troubled by the activities of David since his release from the State Mental Hospital and thereafter from Stratheden Hospital which is also a mental hospital in Fife throughout this time I had many unwonted communications from David 

They police were unable to interview him as he was detained under the mental health act has not been fit for interview..

On Wednesday, the 25th of July 1997 at 9 pm, and I arrived home to find David Williamson at my door wanting to speak with me. I told him I was not prepared to let him in I made an  excuse to go and get a coat  from my house when I went upstairs to my flat. I phone my mum to tell her that David was at the door. I did this because in the past has proved impossible to phone the police and tell them he was at my door, I asked mum’s phone police  then went downstairs to engage him and talking so I could prove to the police he was in fact harassing me 

As I got up the downstairs police car approached on seeing this, David threatened me with a knife he claim to have a gun he forced me to hide with him until the police car went away then he forced me to go back into my house he made himself a cup of coffee. He spoke  to my mum on the phone and told her David Williamson is in the house

 and I could not say anything as he had a gun pointed at me


 I knew my stepfather phoned police they arrived shortly after 

David Williamson and then spoke on the phone to my mum and my stepdad. He was extremely obnoxious to them and threatened them and me with a knife.

I was very alarmed and frightened

He would not let me out of my house

When the police arrived, David would not let me out he would not let the police in. He telephoned various people including the hospital and the press. He also damaged my property. The police arrived with a 

Negotiator as well  as the armed response unit David said the walls  were talking to him, and each of the walls were telling him to do different things, and the television was controlling his thoughts. 

The police negotiator spoke to him throughout this ordeal, and he also got David psychiatrist on the phone to speak with him all the time. David was telling him he was going to kill me. He was telling the psychiatrist that there were dead bodies in his house and there was a funeral director and he thought I was responsible.  

He once again took off his clothes and masturbated and asked me if I liked his body. He did all this in front of me.

 He eventually listened to the police negotiator and told me to get out of the house that he would like to go. David had taken my  house keys and put them down his trousers son only he could open the door. He did let me go, but not before threatening to kill my parents. 

What I did not know until I spoke with the police was David was  released from Stratheden hospital which is a mental hospital in Cupar Fife Scotland. 

When David went to court, he was sentenced under the mental health act and taken back to the mental hospital on Thursday, the 26th of June 1987, 

On the evening of Saturday, the 28th of June 1997. I had the police at my door, I was informed that David Williamson has been sent to the mental hospital for the

 on Thursday, the 26th of June 1987, under section 58 of the mental health act said they had to inform me that he had been released by mistake from the hospital  somebody with a similar name should have been released and we were looking for him.

Until they apprehended him. They were placing myself and my family under police protection and a police officer would stay at the house. The car would be outside my parents house at all times where we all stayed.

The next day, Friday, the 27th of June 1997, I was subsequently told that David had been apprehended in Yorkshire. I am fearful that he will have scored again and will return to my house on my parents house and try to get me in view of the threats.

David was brought back from Yorkshire five police custody until October on Tuesday, the 28th of October 1997

David plead guilty to breach of the peace   The procurator fiscal made a deal with David  if he played guilty, he would only be charged with one charge and the rest of it dropped. 

she would reduce for charges against him and he would only be sentenced to one charge , so it could be dealt with by the sheriff  court, instead of the High Court 

He was sentenced to 2 years imprisonment and on harassment order was granted by the court 

The harassment order was revoked when David appealed it by a point of court stating that you have to have stayed with someone in the same house to be able to obtain an on harassment order. I have not so I lost it.

In Scotland at that time you could not have a power of arrest unless you had stayed with that person under the same roof I had not done so.

David was released from prison on the 31st of August 1998 although he was on supervised release order that was due to expire on the 27th of August 19,98

 Since he had been released from prison. He had sent me several cards he comes to my house late at night, ringing my intercom and telling me it’s countdown time all when hid supervised release order ended.

he said he would kill me he told me this on my intercom.on the 10th, the 17th and 19th of September 1999 on Tuesday, the 5th of August 1999, he broke my window by throwing stones or something at  it and then he verbally abused me all the time he was on the Court Order that prevented him from contacting me me in anyway at all.

On the 17th of December 1999, I asked the court for non-harassment order. I’ve got a turn down because we had never stayed together,The sheriff said he would continue my previous centre interdict, from the 13th of October 1999 until the 20th of December and on the 20th of December 1999, the interdict was granted for an unlimited time.

 At the hearing in court, David lawyer said he was due to appear at court on Thursday, the 23rd of December in England and would be fully committed for trial. I think as he had exhausted all applications for bail therefore he would be remanded in custody on charges relating to a sexual matter and  deception. Davids lawyer said that their office would inform the English lawyers of this hearing undergo the office would also take an undertaking to inform the court. If there were any change in Davids status, David would be getting a prison sentence in about eight weeks time in England the sheriff allowed time for David to apply for legal and to contest, the interdict, 

I’ve got some  relief, from David as while has an English prison. I just had to tell them I did not want any contact from him. I didn’t get any .

Scotland says it’s against prisoners rights to stop them writing or phoning anyone.

I moved house I took myself off all communications, the voters roll telephone book everything I use a different name  David took quite sometime to find me this time.

 I didn’t get a great deal of bother from them. Things went quiet for about six years because he was in jail he had committed 94 offences in England 

 including acts of terrorism, holding shops up at gunpoint, making bomb threats and getting drunk and climbing a window which he obviously thought was his or did he I’m not sure  he sexually molested a child under the age of eight in Macclesfield, which I think is in Manchester got jail again 6 years

I heard from him in 2019 when sadly my mum was suffering from dementia he made some outrageous complaints saying . I was visiting him a present in England,

 Which was at a prison on the sheppi island In have no idea where that is,

considering I was a full time carer for my mum going anywhere was impossible 

 He tried numerous times to make me go to the England Courtbbut once I sent  all the evidence to the c  They said he would have to appear at court to prove who was being truthful hr never turned  because he couldn’t prove anything.

All this relatively quiet until now 2023 some dreadful letters were sent to my Gp

They had enough so I suffered  I  got a taken off their list on  the 20th of November 2023 that I have been removed from the doctors list because of the letters, my fault again, whatever he does, I suffer doctors don’t understand not unless that happens to them then they would understand.

So if you read this it’s time we spoke I am not scared of you any longer you know where I am so just come and we can get this sorted .


Wednesday 2 November 2022

My Stalking Hell Continues In November 2022

 Today started as a normal day for me but quickly became a nightmare,

The postman delivered the post and there it was a very  familiar writing on the envelope.

I opened it carefully as previously he has sent a human waste in his letters. This time it was a birthday card as it’s not dreadful long until my birthday.  Happy Birthday it said when I opened the card it was a photo of a naked man with a condom. What a joy getting this I immediately gave it to my lawyer.

I hate this individual as he has stalked me for over 30 years, making my life a living hell. I had sincerely hoped that he would not be stupid enough to send me anything but he was.

I now intend to do everything in my power to get a court order to prevent him from approaching me harassing me.

This man is dangerous. He is a sex offender. He has been jailed for sex crimes of underage children. He has been jailed  for holding people at gunpoint, trying to shoot a police officer, shooting a police officer at a different time and threatening a judge in England and his family, and  holding up a very prestigious London Store.

He also held up a money shop in Hyde park and made off with a lot of money. He also claimed to belong to a terrorist organisation that does not exist.

He phone the metropolitan police to inform them he had left bombs at important landmarks.

The police did not think he was credible as his organisation did not exist. On finally being captured for the other crimes he got ten years in an English Prison.

I know he has been released for a while now and today scared me as I think he is coming for me again.

Friday 30 September 2022


 There is something missing from the voice of a victim. Having spent 32 years being stalked by the same person. It started when I was about 18 this person would attend the same college as me and follow me home.

My dad passed away in September 1987 and still my stalker kept attending the house when my family were racked with grief and sadness he kept it up. I understand now this had been going on a lot longer that I realised.

I throughout the years got parcels sent  to me with  tubs of human waste and medication and photos  of what I can only assume were his private parts. At one point I went into hiding to attempt to shake him off.     I felt completely at peace and safe at this amazing place I stayed a Buddhist retreat in Scotland called  the only place I ever felt safe and peaceful.

  For legal reasons I cannot name my stalker so we will refer to him as X because stories about him maybe the catalyst for increased activity from him, which shows how my story- like many woman’s - does not yet have an ending.

“It was important for me to remove any sensationalism of my situation as much as possible. ( I also don’t want ) the drama to be about the stalker, and what he did.  This needs to be about the emotional landscape.” I wonder if I’ll ever have it ( the way I wanted it to). My fear is I will not have control over important areas of the story, especially when  it involves  a very specific danger.” When people think of stalkers, they probably think of people who hang around street corners. But the reality is so very different. Many stalkers are very violent but can in certain situations come across as very charming to give the person a false sense of security. The whole process of dealing with a stalker is very traumatic and intense. I want woman to use whatever tools they can access smartly, not to be blind or tentative, not to be afraid to ask for help or to report it. For myself the anger I have carried is so exhausting I don’t have all the answers to dealing with the trauma’ but I want to maybe use the anger to help to make a difference. 

Religion And Stalking

My own issue is how do you ever know what is right, being a victim of stalking is hard feeling confident enough to be involved in other things is really hard. I found out I need to step back and receive my own counselling before I can really move on from all that has happened to me.

Stalking will always be a part of my life and I and people who know me just have to accept me for who I am not for what they want me to be.

My life has been completely ruined my this man’s pursuit of me and his inability to let me go as a result my friendships have been ruined and my church thinks there is something not right about me. It’s not right that others have to suffer because they know me. I need to deal with my issues before subjecting others to them.

My church is the vineyard church in Kirkcaldy fife Scotland you could not get a nicer bunch of people nor a better church so to protect them I need to move away until my life is in a better place.

Looking at my journal from years ago I can see how far I have come. I am no longer so mad that I was always in trouble with the law and always drinking because that was my only way of coping.

I struggle every day to understand why me why being nice to someone only brought 32 years of hell. I have the love and support of a truly loving man who has changed my life. We have both come to realise that we need to move to the USA and start a new chapter in a country where you can truly be free.

Refer to my other post for links here and abroad where you can get help.

Saturday 20 August 2022


                                      I HAVE BEEN IN DENIAL 

I have tried to ignore the fact my stalker is once again waking out of Jail.  I was horrified to find out he was getting out early on Wednesday 31st August 20/22 the time he is locked up it peaceful as he has no access to computer or phone as he is a category one sex offender he cannot get access to social media devices.

He will indeed be on probation but that makes no difference to me as if he wanted to contact me he would do so my slight worry is the  day after he gets out is September 1st. Many years ago when he first produced a gun and helped me at gunpoint for nine hours that was on the 1st of September he thinks of that as an  anniversary and made  quite serious threats in court regarding that date and dates and after that date  so the concern is always there with me for a week or two after that date as to what’s going to happen next.

I have chosen to forgive him for all the hurt he caused me and for making me disabled if I did not forgive him I could not move on with my life.

Forgiving is  not forgetting I cannot ever forget as I have to be aware of my surroundings when he is out of jail yes I’m scared that he’s going to hurt me again.  I have to trust in prayer and in God that things will be alright and he will get the help he needs and that he will not hurt me again.  Until this week I was not sure about prayer until something astonishing happened this week I had an injury I still do you have an Injury but it  is so much better thanks to people for praying for me at my church I can’t be more thankful that they took the time to do that for me and I can’t be more thankful to God that worked I was always Someone who needed proof I have it now I will never disbelieve again.

I’m very thankful for the people in my church who are my friends and for the pastor  who leads this wonderful church. I’m not going to name the Church on here as I have a responsibility to ensure the safety of others. I take that responsibility seriously I would like to tell my Church but I would scare them with this and that’s not what I want so I will deal with this on my own and hopefully the gods help. I will link organisations below Who anybody continue to help and advice from. The first link under here will also take you to a page if you’re an international resident or visitor that needs help so that would be the first link I will say one thing please contact your local police department if you have any concerns of somebody following you or if you’re told feel unhappy about the situation you’re in.

Friday 15 April 2022


Today I realised how long my stalkers obsession with me has been. I found out today that he met me when I was a younger than I thought. He got himself into the same school with me and followed me around various places I had been and worked 

He was under the impression that I actually noticed him which was not the case. He said that in the science class he looked at me and I smiled and he took that as a signal that I liked him. He said that was the day he knew he loved me. If I’m being perfectly honest I don’t even remember him from there.

I was stunned that he had gone to so much trouble to follow me around a lot longer than I had thought he A simple smile many years ago brought 40 years of total obsessional behaviour from him.  He appears to still be under the impression that if he tries hard enough he Will snare  me that was not something I wanted to hear. He also made some wild claims that I had stabbed him as a child in a classroom totally untrue  I know his  obsession is  dangerous.

In court a forensic psychiatrist said he was suffering from paranoid schizophrenia and delusions of grandeur.

Apparently when he takes his medication his schizophrenia is more or less under control but there is no law that can force someone even someone who is mentally ill to take medication even in the hospital they can’t force them.  I would be asking is that not putting the public in danger from people who are mentally ill and refuse to take the medication.

I had hoped today I would’ve heard he got a substantial custodial sentence unfortunately that was not the case from what I have been told today he got 6 months.

I was also told he intends to appeal.

The case he was in court for a matter similar to what he has done to me.

To be very clear this particular case had nothing to do with me this case it is a different matter.

Under certain circumstances people who have previously been involved in a case of this kind of nature can indeed be informed by witness participation when a stalker or an abuser is released from prison or when they’re back in prison.

I have requested for records to be released for me to read that’s how I found out that he knew me much earlier then I realised it was very disturbing information as I honestly do not recall him from school.

I will link organisations below that  will be able to help Anyone who needs help the last link is to repot harassment I am from Scotland and I’m on the link in Scottish organisations if you need help throughout the UK or other countries please go to the first link on my page as they will be able to provide you with the assistance of the direction that you need.


Thursday 16 December 2021


 I came to the realisation today that I’m never going to be free of this Stalking  has ruined my life and will continue to if I allow it to. Right now I don’t know where to go from here.

Everybody every place and everything is ruined by this friend,family,churches. 

Everything I like and love it taken from me because other people cannot cope with the knowledge or fear that I deal with everyday.

I have 2 Stalkers one who is violent and very dangerous the other a woman I met in the Mormon  church  many years ago unlike the 1st one she focuses on her computer skills to hack people to cyber Salcombe and to make malicious emails to other people pretending to be other people my friend and I have had a lot of problems this woman she’s very manipulative and she has a psychiatric Illness which makes her behave the way she does she think she is very important and she thinks that she has got to be centre of attention all the time.

Only recentlillness which makes her behave the way she does she think she is very important and she thinks that she has got to be centre of attention all the time. Only recently did I discover that the first stalker I have who I must’ve met I blamed for a lot that has happened recently what I was not told what contact me to somebody or somewhere was made by email that was not David that was her pretending to be him.

How do I known first that contact was made by email I would’ve immediately known it wasn’t David he doesn’t email he will write to you or he will attend in person but he will never email in the 33 years he has stalked me never once has he contacted me by email. He also has never called me by my name.

I’ve been much more concerned about the female she’s a very manipulative nasty kind of person she has had me imprisoned for a week with false allegations.

 She has stalked a psychologist and made his life and his family‘s life hell. She was arrested and charged and sectioned under the mental health act for all of that.

it is not just I she targets it is a very good friend of mine that has constantly been targeted by this female I did not know she would go as far as trying to contact people I knew they don’t know about her they only knew about the first one and after the reaction I got was that I will never tell them about the second one.

It’s once again old years night and tomorrow will be a New Year I can only hope for myself and for everybody else that 2022 will be a good Year.

Anyone who is suffering from stalking or any other type of abuse please click the link below to see what help you can get.

If anyone needs help please contact